Evaluator/Reviewer FAQs

Evaluator/Reviewer FAQs

Questions and Answers for Faculty annual performance Evaluators (Reviewers)

There are several ways to receive training on using Annual Profile.

  1. Work with your unit's Annual Profile Coordinator to familiarize yourself with the process and ensure that you have access.
  2. Contact uav-support@list.arizona.edu. We will be happy to work with you one-on-one or conduct a workshop for faculty and/or reviewers.
  3. Available Help Guides: Evaluator Knowledge Articles

If you are a Department Head, Director, Division Chief, or college administrator, you can access faculty past performance reviews in several ways.

  1. You can work with your unit's Annual Profile Coordinator, to have them printed out as a PDF, or you can use the Evaluations Report feature.
  2. If you don't already have access to Annual Profile's reports feature, you can request this by contacting uav-support@list.arizona.edu.
  3. Past reviews can also be made available to evaluators within the current performance review. Work with your Annual Profile Coordinator to let them know if you wish to access these. You can also contact uav-support@list.arizona.edu.

Once the final evaluation feedback has been submitted, it disappears from the list of remaining faculty to be reviewed. However, if you would like to review an evaluation that's been submitted, you can either request it from your unit coordinator, or access it using the Evaluations report option. 

In rare cases where you as a reviewer would like to update a submitted final evaluation, work with your unit coordinator, or contact uav-support@list.arizona.edu and we can assist you.

Annual Profile does have the functionality to allow every committee member to enter feedback and ratings if that is your unit's practice. This is an easy setup step that your unit coordinator will be able to configure. If your unit doesn't have a designated Annual Profile Coordinator, please contact uav-support@list.arizona.edu and we can assist you.

Depending on your unit's practices or preferences, Annual Profile can be used by committees in a variety of ways. For each method outlined below, you will need to work with your unit's Annual Profile Coordinator so that they can configure Annual Profile to meet the committee's needs.

  1. If the committee meets in person or in an online meeting room such as Zoom, the committee can discuss each faculty member and come to a consensus on the rating and formative feedback. One person, usually the Chair or committee leader will be the designated "author" and enter the committee's final ratings and comments in Annual Profile.
  2. If the committee is a committee-of-the-whole, or each committee member wants to enter their feedback separately, Annual Profile can accommodate this practice as well. The feedback can be set to anonymous, or the faculty is allowed to see the author's name(s).
  3. If the committee wishes to review one of its own committee members, or in any case where there's a conflict of interest, a separate author can be set up in Annual Profile to submit the committee's feedback for that person.
  4. Reviews (evaluations) can be created to meet different needs, including self-evaluations, or by faculty types, i.e. Tenure-Track, Career-Track, etc